Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Paper Chasing

I love office stuff. I mean really love it. I can take 20 minutes to pick out the perfect stack of sticky notes. Truly smooth writing pens can send me into an ecstatic gushing of praise. Firm, unopened packs of printer paper are so perfect as to be put on a shrine. But they all confounded me today. I have such a migraine from shuffling, printing, sorting, hole-punching, stapling, clipping, new cartridge loading, and other magic stuff that I give for today. It's not that the supplies have done anything wrong, per se. I have been such a twit that everything seems to flummox me today. Every time I think I was so done with a job, I realized I forgot to a)save a critical change, b)put it into the correct format, or c)print it in the desired font, you get the idea. Then in my formatting research, I just found out that this weekend we might get a tropical system swinging by. Ooops, I used to be so on top of that weather stuff. That's kind of an important thing to know, with the OCD kind of person I am. Ah, it must mean I'm happy and busy, too busy to be bogged down with details.
Uh Huh. Riiiiiight.
No, I just am losing the crushing grip I used to have on my life. Not that it made much of a difference on the outcome-my hands were just tired at the end of the day! Ok, time to shut it all down and watch Warehouse 13 before the kids get home and distract me!

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