Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tweeky Geeky

So I'm sitting here, tweeking my manuscript for the I-don't-knowth time, watching the Science Channel. I love me some satellite TV--so many truth-based guessing shows to choose from! Science is my weakness, my anti-kryptonite. If knowledge really was power, I would be a hell of a superhero--


Oh, I would give the BEST informative speeches. 

"Formation of the Moon--Facts, Fictions, and Shit You Just Would Not Believe." 8pm, Holiday Inn Express conference room.

"Lava Flow and the Formation of Super Awesome Crystals" Call for tour info.

"Obey Gravity--It's the LAW" Book signing at local used book nook.

Since the superhero thing isn't manifesting yet, I'll have to settle on making super friends and super enemies when my book blows up like *gaacckk* Twilight  *gaaaaggggguuuhh*
Sorry, threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I think I've found an agent for my book, if the extremely helpful advice she's giving me is any indication. The manuscript is a thousand times better than when I started, thanks to her helpful insight. And I figure I'm a winner either way--she either accepts me formally, or I just got a bunch of email help from a pro. Help is hard to come by in this industry, the helpful kind, that is. There is an entire industry built around "helping" new authors with everything but sitting their butt down and typing something. Most of it "helps" the hopeful writer out of their money.
 I want to lighten reader's wallets a bit in exchange for giving them something to do on the train. Those people who sell a writer their dreams back to them packaged as a quick and easy surefire novel are scum. SCUM! Just because some one is gullible, doesn't make it OK to take advantage of them. I don't pluck that wallet hanging out of that lady's purse, and I would stop you if I saw you try.
UGH--Injustice, don't get me started. 
Then I might not finish tweeking my book, and then what would you do on the train?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Crazy is as Crazy Does

The insanity online has swelled to a fever pitch--not about one particular thing, mind you, it just is swelling. Like a head wound that needs looked at. I keep trying to foray out into cyber-space, thinking that I can make my voice heard, and that people would be interested in something I might have to say. Unfortunately, there is no way ANYONE can hear me over the white, screaming noise the internet has become. And I'm just not willing to yell louder just to make myself hoarse. There are so many platforms, and groups to join, accounts to manage, that I feel lost sometimes.

Success is just around the corner if you can have enough exposure!
Build your online empire, tie your accounts together, and enough people will notice you and then buy your stuff!!
Millions of readers are waiting just to be directed to your SPLASH!! , FLASH!!, and mostly unreadable crazy-backgrounded website and blog!!!

It's driving me out of my ever lovin' MIND!!!!

I don't like the idea of throwing myself out there, splattered across the internet like some kind of cyber roadkill.





I don't want a reality show.

I don't want a million followers on Twitter hanging on my every move.

I don't want a web cam watching me cook on a homegrown YouTube reality show.

I don't want to be on TV.

All I want to do is to write well-written books that are well received and mostly well reviewed.

And there are too few hours in the day for me to do that, have a large family, a husband, and a house, and on top of that be a splattering idiot on the internet. Nope. Sorry. Not going to do it.

Oh, and I really do not want to post my weight, workout accomplishments, or what store I'm shopping at.

There is such a thing as TOO MUCH INFORMATION. And to keep my sanity, I'm going to keep most of my information to myself. Just call me an old-fashioned reclusive author. It's what I'm built for.
So I'll just keep this little sane corner to myself, and hope that some nice people wander in every once in a while to say "Hey".