Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Paper Chasing

I love office stuff. I mean really love it. I can take 20 minutes to pick out the perfect stack of sticky notes. Truly smooth writing pens can send me into an ecstatic gushing of praise. Firm, unopened packs of printer paper are so perfect as to be put on a shrine. But they all confounded me today. I have such a migraine from shuffling, printing, sorting, hole-punching, stapling, clipping, new cartridge loading, and other magic stuff that I give for today. It's not that the supplies have done anything wrong, per se. I have been such a twit that everything seems to flummox me today. Every time I think I was so done with a job, I realized I forgot to a)save a critical change, b)put it into the correct format, or c)print it in the desired font, you get the idea. Then in my formatting research, I just found out that this weekend we might get a tropical system swinging by. Ooops, I used to be so on top of that weather stuff. That's kind of an important thing to know, with the OCD kind of person I am. Ah, it must mean I'm happy and busy, too busy to be bogged down with details.
Uh Huh. Riiiiiight.
No, I just am losing the crushing grip I used to have on my life. Not that it made much of a difference on the outcome-my hands were just tired at the end of the day! Ok, time to shut it all down and watch Warehouse 13 before the kids get home and distract me!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Inconveniently, it seems that with the rest of the nation, my muse has gone on vacation. I think she got tired of the jumble of mundane rushing about, and took off for quieter climes. I don't blame her-it's getting rather cluttered in my head, what with school starting next week and all the assorted and sundry rushing about that it involves. I tried writing the first chapter of the sequel, and have brooded over it for a few days now, picking at a word here and there, writing then deleting a sentence, until it was so overwhelmingly depressing that I just saved the file and opened a new one. I won't delete it, but I realized that I hated it. No deleting because I never know when the idea might come in handy, but not right now. I'll start with another scene, and hopefully I'll fall in love with it. If not, I'll try again. I got some very good advise this morning about scene writing-if you don't love it, and are just trudging through it to finish it and move on to something much cooler, then your readers will sense it. Love it or delete it. Passion makes for better writing than a sensible collection of scene-movers. I cant seem to dredge up enough passion right now for a scene I love, so I may have to back-burner it and take care of the nitnoid details of life, at least for today. We're going to the mall! (collective groan)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Crazy Is As Crazy Does

I seem to be losing something in the last few weeks, I'm pretty sure it's my mind, but I'll have to get back to you on that. Reality is taking a hard fast chunk out of me lately, with the oncoming school year and all it's assorted and sundry things that must be accomplished in the next two weeks. Fees to be paid, books to gather, supplies to be fetched, doctor and dentist visits to attend to; the list winds its way along like some tortured Mobius strip. Add onto the merry-go-round the everyday nitnoid b.s. and my dentistry debacles, and I've got a platter full of fun here. I know that at the end of the month most of the ruckus will end with a thump, and the crickets will be audible again. Not much help now, but it's something to look forward to!
The good news is that I've kept my head in the game enough to sketch out the main plot points for the next book I'm writing, a sequel to the previously mentioned one. And to start the wheels turning in the back of my mind for another idea for a book that I had sketched out months ago. No spoilers on that one, it's too tenuous right now. I've some time tomorrow morning blocked off for writing, so I'm hoping to get at least a first chapter out of the sequel by lunchtime. Poor Erika, she really can pick 'em.......

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Endings, Beginnings, and Everything In Between

I have the full, completed manuscript sitting next to me in it's three-ring binder, the plainly printed title sheet staring at me from the front cover. It's done. Added a preface and epilogue, decided on a title, and she's ready to go to an agent. It's time to let this one rest, and consider other stories. It's not that big of a move, though-I've had the idea for the sequel to the first book floating around in my head for a few months now, I just haven't let it bob to the surface. It might have made too many waves and crashed my muse's boat! I'm cautiously excited, but I'll save the true emotion for the acceptance letter. I know I'll have to ride out some rejections, that's just the name of the game. And I intend to play it a full court press!! So to bed, to sleep, perchance to dream of new characters to add to the new storyline....