Monday, January 26, 2009

Banana Bread and Snow

If I wish really hard, and hold my mouth just the right way, I think we'll finally get snow today. I know, I can hear the grumbling from here, but you gotta understand-it's kind of like having an itch and being not quite able to reach it. Then a friend of yours says they're coming over to scratch it for you, and they either never show up, or come with a feather. Anticipation of itch relief, then no satisfaction. I used to live in Florida, where winter means nothing but fewer flying cockroaches and going outside without bursting into a heavy sweat. I found myself missing the change of seasons. The year seemed to drag from one monotonous weather day to another. I like change, couldn't live without it. And if you're going to change seasons, do it with a sense of purpose, for goodness sake! NorVa winters seem fickle-one year snow, the next rain, then the next nothing but brown deadness all around. This year is a brown dead year, the most we have gotten was a thin coating of ice, then a dusting of snow. Everyone still freaked out (traffic reports=entertainment), but it wasn't what I would call a 3 loafer. So I'm trying to tempt the god of crystal formation, and am baking a loaf of banana bread. Its smell is wafting softly from the oven, up into the clouds when I open the door, and hopefully tempting the snow to come down and see what all the goodness is about.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


For the life of me, I can't understand why we just all can't get along with each other. For the goddesses sake, we're all in this life together whether we want to be or not. I guess it's a matter of perspective. From my perspective, a whole lot of people never see what life is like on the other side. What other side? Well, it depends on where you start. Young woman in college on dad's dime? Work behind the counter at a greasy spoon. Middle aged man with a 20 year white collar job? Stock the back room at midnight in a home improvement store. White middle class stay at home mom? Stand on a street corner with a hooker and talk to her about her kids. Warm house in the winter? Cut that heat off for a day or three. Bored teenager from the 'burbs? Dodge bullets downtown while you go pay bills with loose change. Trust me, you'll never be the same. Been there, done that, couldn't afford the t-shirt, so I got perspective like some people get religion.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

That New President Smell

Ah, I can smell the festivities even this far away. The king is dead, long live the king. While I would, deep down, like to be hopeful and upbeat about our new leader, I find myself hesitating on the brink of positive thinking, then pulling back with a scowl. I was once an unquestioning and emotional patriot. Circumstances private and political have made me come to an abrupt clarity of vision. Unless you are content to be made use of, or are willing to live out your days with blinders, a sentient human is unable to maintain a high level of ignorance for long. I was blind. Now I see. And what I see outside of my family unit is ugly. I have seen the man behind the curtain. He's not my friend, nor yours. In these strange sad days I cannot afford to put my faith in anyone beyond my immediate family. I know these people. I don't know anyone else that well at all. So in essence they're wild cards, and i don't gamble anymore with my heart or soul. Maybe our new leader will bring about 'change' and spread some 'hope'. We all need some of both. My best wishes to him, but I still breathe deeply in my meditation, for I'm not holding my breath.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wooo hooo!! Regardless of the fact that my hubby worked from home today, and we had a 2 hour delay for school, I officially passed the 14,000 word count mark today. I'm writing my first novel, and boy, what a different experience it has turned out to be than what I thought. I knew that it wasn't going to be a matter of 'sit down and write what's in your head and there's your book', but I had no clue as to how a simple problem with a story line can result in a five page rewrite. And I have found my muse (eep! I have a real live muse of my very own!!) taking me in directions I wouldn't have ever thought of deliberately. I have found myself writing myself into situations that make me literally sit back in the chair and go "whoa. where did THAT come from?". Reading back over the material is strange, too. I find myself amazed it was me that wrote it. Tonight I'm going to have the hubby look at it for the first time ever. That's extending the trust a bit more than I thought I'd have the nerve to. It's cool, I'm going to need feed back soon anyhow, and he can be pretty critical when needs be. He tries to make all of it constructive, bless him.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cosmic Patterns

Although not a new concept to me, cosmic patterns are something that have been jumping out in front of me recently with more frequency than I have ever seen before. I love the concept of an orderly chaotic universe. It makes more sense to me, and gives me somewhat of a comforting sensation to know that there is a rhyme, and a reason. The fun part is finding the rhymes and matching them to the reasons. There is a lag in knowledge there, though. Most of the times, I can find the rhyming part, but am hard put to reason it out. For instance, I noticed that the patterns around the knots in plywood look just like the images of the sun's corona. Now how cool is that? The problem is that I can't find the reason why it would be so.The cells that grew the wood around the knot never knew the sun's rays, never saw the light of day. So what are the mathematics, the string theory, the REASON why those cells grow in the same pattern that a hydrogen fueled fusion reactor throws off excess energy? See, knowledge gap. I'll find more examples later, now I have to tuck in the youngest into bed, and hear about the Warrior Cat Clans. Most excellent series by Erin Hunter. 'Night.

A one, A two, A onetwothreefour!!!

Wheeee!! Testing out my new cybervox, can you hear/read me now?