Thursday, July 23, 2009

Catching the Worm

I'm up and moving earlier than I have been for most of the summer, mostly because I feel a bit unhinged (more so than usual) if I sleep in past 7am. Early bird catches the worm and all, early to bed, early to rise; makes a mamma keep one step ahead of the curve. Sleeping in has never been an option for most of my adult life, and I'm OCD enough that now it makes me feel like I've gone and screwed the pooch for the day if I do. Missed opportunities! Slack work ethic! What's next, a complete descent into decadence? Will I lose whatever drive I have and become-*gasp*-a slacker??
So for the sake of my whirling brain, I get up a bit earlier, quiet the voices in my head (they like coffee, are nicely distracted by it), and make a to-do list for the day. Pointedly ignoring the fact that I won't get to most of the list, of course. No matter how thorough it seems to be, I end up doing three times the work that was on it. Oh well, at least I can give myself the illusion that I'm organized. And that's what life is all about, eh? Living within your self-made illusions. Now if only I could get everyone else to live in mine, I could get a whole heck of a lot done around here!

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