Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Sound of Silence, or How Loud The Screaming In My Head Really Is

School's back in session, which means my three sweet, adorable, chaos making, snack devouring, how can you use THAT much toilet paper, darlings are doing drudgery five times a week at the public schools.
Just because I'm not prancing around singing "it's the most wonderful time of the year" doesn't mean I don't have the urge, I'm just toooooo busy now.
The summer didn't go quite as I had expected, as you know. So there is a bit of a backlog of projects that need getting at now. Inside, not so much, just the usual cleaning and such, but outside, thanks to the surgery and the triple digit heat I got less than nothing done, all I really managed to do was come up with MORE damn projects as I was sitting in the AC with the son on the couch. But they sounded so small, so easily done in a single afternoon! And now that I thought of them, I can't un-think them. So they'll get done, by goddess! I just hope this autumn is as awesomely autumn-y, like the summer was so very summer-y. Crisp air, falling leaves, that hint of campfire in the THAT'S the most wonderful time of the year!
The outside aside, I have a great big honking son-of-a-you-know-what looming over my head that awaits every time it gets quiet around here. The next book has started to be a bit more impatient now that the crisis is over, and has progressed from light throat clearing to all out screeching at the top of it's metaphorical lungs. The problem with this one, is that it has required way more research, and involves way more emotional whiplash for my main character. Oh, she's going to kick my ass for this one, all the way to the end of the book. I hope it stays within the parameters I have planned for, but knowing her, she's going to send this one off the rails, and hard. I just hope she waits until the end, because if I had to do all this research into ancient Persian monotheism for nothing, someone's going to be screaming, and it's not going to be the voices in my head this time!
Oh, and I fixed the setting that has blocked comments on the blog--so fire away!

1 comment:

  1. Screaming is bad for the voice, but it's good for the heart.
    Conor Oberst

    Let the screaming commence!!
