Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wooo hooo!! Regardless of the fact that my hubby worked from home today, and we had a 2 hour delay for school, I officially passed the 14,000 word count mark today. I'm writing my first novel, and boy, what a different experience it has turned out to be than what I thought. I knew that it wasn't going to be a matter of 'sit down and write what's in your head and there's your book', but I had no clue as to how a simple problem with a story line can result in a five page rewrite. And I have found my muse (eep! I have a real live muse of my very own!!) taking me in directions I wouldn't have ever thought of deliberately. I have found myself writing myself into situations that make me literally sit back in the chair and go "whoa. where did THAT come from?". Reading back over the material is strange, too. I find myself amazed it was me that wrote it. Tonight I'm going to have the hubby look at it for the first time ever. That's extending the trust a bit more than I thought I'd have the nerve to. It's cool, I'm going to need feed back soon anyhow, and he can be pretty critical when needs be. He tries to make all of it constructive, bless him.

1 comment:

  1. Very, cool chicky! I didn't know your blog was up - looks very familiar color and template-wise. Hmmmmm....could it be that I (humble little me) am your muse???!!! You know when you write about your muse you really aught to put up a link to her blog! Teehee--just kidding. Now quit reading my drivel and go write more book!
