Monday, January 26, 2009

Banana Bread and Snow

If I wish really hard, and hold my mouth just the right way, I think we'll finally get snow today. I know, I can hear the grumbling from here, but you gotta understand-it's kind of like having an itch and being not quite able to reach it. Then a friend of yours says they're coming over to scratch it for you, and they either never show up, or come with a feather. Anticipation of itch relief, then no satisfaction. I used to live in Florida, where winter means nothing but fewer flying cockroaches and going outside without bursting into a heavy sweat. I found myself missing the change of seasons. The year seemed to drag from one monotonous weather day to another. I like change, couldn't live without it. And if you're going to change seasons, do it with a sense of purpose, for goodness sake! NorVa winters seem fickle-one year snow, the next rain, then the next nothing but brown deadness all around. This year is a brown dead year, the most we have gotten was a thin coating of ice, then a dusting of snow. Everyone still freaked out (traffic reports=entertainment), but it wasn't what I would call a 3 loafer. So I'm trying to tempt the god of crystal formation, and am baking a loaf of banana bread. Its smell is wafting softly from the oven, up into the clouds when I open the door, and hopefully tempting the snow to come down and see what all the goodness is about.

1 comment:

  1. OK - now I want BOTH: snow and banana bread! Isn't it your turn to do lunch? Lovin' the posts, babe - see you soon.(Noon?) ;P
